6 +1 Best Options To Monetize Your Blog For Novice

Except for those who are not properly motivated before commencing their blogging journey. But if you started blogging with the right motive and motivations, then you should have known by now, that the journey of a true blogger is a life time one, and as such it important to get few things right from the beginning like;
What Are Present Or Future Plans Of Making Money From Your Blog?
The Internet is full of diverse opportunities, and as a blogger, this pool of diverse opportunity is always open for you, but you must learn how to play your games right.

Now, how would predetermining your blog monetization options impact your future career as a blogger? Let say you jump on the conclusion to Monetize your blog via ads in the future, and of course, the best ads Monetization option is Google ads, but since you've not thought of that from the beginning, your blog is not properly optimized for Google adsense...

To cut the story short, your Google adsense application will never be approved, and you probably have to go through some hundreds of article optimization for adsense, that's if you can. If you cannot, well there are some handful alternatives to adsense out there, but with a very low earnings compared to adsense, and if you cannot endure what those alternatives offer, then we are talking about a frustrated blogger already, and that is why you must make this decision now, before your blog start having 50 to 100 posts.

So having said that, what are your best ways to Monetize your blog? In this article, I'll be showing 6 + 1 best ways to make money online through your blog; the additional, is like making money by giving away your blog, which might be the last option every blogger might wanna consider, especially if you wanna build a brand.

6 +1 Best Options To Monetize Your Blog

1. Affiliates Marketing

Oops!!! I'm very sure many are disappointed that I'm mentioning affiliates marketing first! They would be asking; Why not ads or adsense first? Well to me, if you do your marketing efforts in the right way, affiliates marketing might give you double the return of adsense per month, in fact with affiliate marketing, you could still make it huge while sleeping. All that is needed is some skills, on how to sell others' products on your sites.
In my opinion, patience is the key to success in affiliate marketing. Now while you are working patiently, try as much as you can to spread your affiliate links in the best possible way. Don't be tempted to over do it, and don't wait till your blog is huge in traffic before you start.
You should start your affiliate marketing right away! 

2. Advertising (E.g Google Adsense)

Seriously, I would have gone straight to mention Google adsense, because up until now, adsense is the best way to Monetize a blog via ads. But since there are few handful alternatives out there, especially considering the latest Google adsense application troubles, I simply chose advertising. But trust me, Google adsense is the best, and with just 1,000 daily visitors, you could be generating between $100 to $300 per month, depending on your blogging niche. 

Anyway, the point here is, if you plan Monetizing via Google adsense, then you better start optimizing your blog for adsense right from your starting point. Having certain number of posts, or attaining certain period or age does not really matter any more. You can read through some of the recommended articles below to know more about adsense, and how to get your application approved. 

3. Product / Software Reviews

Here's my advice; if your blog is still new, you should ignore this one. However, if you are already getting great number of visitors and social share per day, then you should also be getting ready to be contacted for products or software reviews already. Depending on your niche, traffics, and few other factors, there are companies willing to even offer above $100 to $500 for a product, service or software review, now imagine you review 3 to 5 product per month? 

However, if you are already getting huge traffic, but not yet being contact by companies for product review, then read the recommended article below. 

4. Banner Ads

This is another simplest, but effective means of monetizing your blogging activities via ads. But instead of placing Google adsense or Infolink ads, you place third party banners directly on your site. By doing this, you are advertising their products, and if it affiliates (PPA), or PPC, the company will pay you directly when your visitors take required actions on their banner.

You can also use banner ads, if you are already getting traffic, but couldn't get your adsense application approved, and perhaps adsense alternatives is not paying enough for you.
Here's is trick: when you grow traffic, you could create 'Ads With Us' page, where you encourage your visitors to either advertise their site, or products on your already successful website. 

5. Marketing Your Blogging Activities

Like I said in the introduction, the Internet is full of money making opportunities, and as a blogger, you stand the chance of even making more. The aforementioned 4 monetization opportunities should be taking some bucks to your account already (if you followed the right processes). But if it not still working, don't give up your blogging ambitions just yet.

You could make things work out for yourself by marketing your own services on your blog, some of which includes, but not limited to:

  1. Article Selling: You could compile a tutorial, or step by step guide article, and sell it on your blog in the form of an Ebook or PDF. But remember, you must have got good authority and trust for people to want to buy your products or service. 
  2. Write for other popular blogs: There are so many websites out there looking for freelance writers, and if you feel your blog is not meeting your needs, you could give freelance writing a try, while working on the growth of your blog. 
  3. Create 'Hire Me' page: This is almost similar with the preceeding, but here you could invite people to hire you directly. And aside article writing, you could also offer SEO service, and if you are good at it, you could start getting mails from both individual bloggers and companies. But remember, if you think you are a doctor who can cure others, cure your blog first. 

6. Build an Email List

Things not still working yet? Then build an Email list. One of the best ways to make money online is to build an email list.

Email list is the way to go if you want to make decent income from your blogging efforts. Even if you don't plan using this as a means of monetization, don't ignore it.

But ensure you generate original user emails, not spam, and how do you do that? offer a freebie that require email sign up. You could also create follow us by email pop-up, etc.

7. Sell Your Blog

Just as mentioned above, this monetization option actually makes you lose your blog. That's after few months or years of blogging, you sell out your domain (blog) to others who are willing to buy. But before you start considering this option, ensure you've built respectable authority, else no one might be will to bid. 

But If I were you, I wouldn't consider this as a monetization option because I want to build a brand name online. And as such, working on a blog, and selling it might not aid that mission. 


So there you are. There might still be other monetization options for your blog, so as you work along, keep looking around and trying out opportunities, and if you find any attractive opportunity, maximize it. And if you are considering any of the aforementioned opportunities, then it is better to start studying on how to optimize your blog for that opportunity, and applying same before you go far in your blogging journey. Some mistake might be difficult to fix. Best best. 


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