
Showing posts from March, 2016

2016 Dashboard Overview

If you are new to, then it no doubt, you are yet to fully understand your dashboard. I'm going to explain each element, in your Dashboard, to enable you gain a better understanding of how things are on the inside. The truth is, almost everything is customizable on your Dashboard, but it better you understand your dashboard, so you know areas to not to touch, or areas to touch, and how to touch them. Dashboard Overview There are two dashboard for your blog, (User Dashboard, and Blog Dashboard). The first dashboard that greets you, when you log on to, is the user dashboard. This is also known as your admin panel. From here, you can continue to your blog dashboard, of any blog, to which you are an administrator. The user dashboard, carries all your blog in one place. From here you can have a brief overview, of your total traffic and posts, for each of your blog. You can also, either visit your blog (usi

Step by Step Guide for Creating free blogspot websites 2016

It is time to get your new ideas and business online. In this guide, I'll give you a step by step approach images included), on how to create your free hosted website, using You don't need to spend a penny, in order to own a blog. Google will host your blog for you, and since Google, you need no worries, on downtime, or security threats. This guide will help you to create a free website on blogspot, you need not to buy domain and hosting services.  About  Blogspot is a platform which allows you to build and host website for free, it is owned by Google, so you do not have to worry about server down time and other issues. It is simple to set up, and if you follow my guide carefully, your website should be online in less than 30 minutes. The good part of is, even though you have no coding knowledge, you can still make your blog looking greatly designed, there are thousands of free blogger templates which you can use to give a professio

9 Important Pages To Create For Your New Blog 2016

You've got an idea you wanna talk about, a niche to serve and probably, you are already on the, "I can't wait to get started" mode. Well, you need to still wait. Getting started is not the problem, but how well you start. Have you seen runners on track, ready to race before? Of course, you should!  The starting line of the race, is as important as the finishing line, so you wouldn't wanna mess with the beginning of your blogging journey Before you lay the foundation for your dream house, it is important to set out your plans. so it is with blogging. Setting the right foundation for your blog is the key to its success. There are few important pages, necessary for your blog, which we shall be discussing in this article.  Important of having certain pages on your Blog...  You might wanna ask me; what are the importance of setting up this pages on your site? Take for instance, that your blogg, is about providing, tech tips for your audience. Some of this guys

Top 9 Most Popular Free Blogging Platforms of 2016

So you've decided to start your own personal blog, perhaps you've got ideas to share, and now, you are left with the platform to start sharing your ideas on. But you are not ready for any financial, blogging commitment just yet. Well, you are are still good to go, even without the financial commitments. The good news is, there are loads of free blogging platforms, available to chose from, where you can get your ideas shown to the world in minutes. In this article, I'll be showing you, top ten most popular free blogging platforms of 2016. Interestingly, if you are a true Web marketer, you could even start making money in no time, without worrying about self Web hosting. It is important to note however, that all serious bloggers, have their blogs self hosted. So make sure, your option(s), is 'self-hostable', at any time, especially those, who are aiming at full time blogging. When talking about, free hosted blogging platforms out there, w or Which Is For You?

At one point or the other, every blogger out there, successful or not, Novice or the Pro bloggers, have been met with this question, and even myself was not an exception. It a question that every blogger must find answer to, at the beginning of their blogging journey. One truth you must get yourself acquainted with, is the fact that even the Pro bloggers, were once Novice. So  after you've cleared your head about your blogging journey, and have got ideas you wanna share,  the next question that should follow is, through what blogging platform, should you share your ideas.  The blogging industry is dominated by two major platforms; Blogger and WordPress, ( or So now that you've got an idea to talk about, which of this two platforms, should you use? Is a friend recommending you to use Blogger over WordPress, or vise versa? If yes, what are their reasons? Perhaps, they are sounding more on WordPress, than they are on Blogger. Anyway, this is whe

You wanna Blog; Are You Really Ready?

You wanna start blogging? Great idea! But are you really ready? Do you have what it takes, to start on the blogging journey? You might wanna ask me: Do I really need anything to start blogging, aside my computer and my head?  Yes, your computer and your head aren't all you need to start blogging. You could log on to any online hosting provider today, and get your blog live and running in less than 15 minutes. But if you are not able, to accurately provide answers to the three questions below, you could come, running out in less than 15 days. ... So What do You Really Need For This Journey?  Well, I'm not gonna be telling you about computer, or online hosting provider and etc. In fact, nothing external. I'm gonna concentrate on you, you and yourself. And believe me, if you are able to provide accurate answers to this question, then be assured that you blogging journey, will be a really long, and pleasant one. Please ensure that your answer to this questions, are cl